Saturday, November 19, 2005

Long Overdue

I've put 30min on the clock..

I've been in dire need of a mental purge but have held off in the hope that Modblog would miraculously come back online and I would feel at home having said purge. Since that hasn't happened I decided this was as good a time as any to put my feet up and settle into this place properly.

I've refrained from whinging about the latest dramas over at MB, no more. It actually didn't bother me with the templates and images down. My computer is a piece of shit and I'm on dial-up (not the best combination) so the default pages loaded much quicker, and since the vast majority of blogs I frequent I do so for the writing, I wasn't missing out on too much. Add to that the bonus of no blinding colours and ghastly designs to surprise me with one wrong click, I was quite happy. Having said that when the custom templates came back I did appreciate visiting those with great designs and knowing exactly where I was all the time.

It is only with this latest extended downtime that my patience has run out. I understand Gorman is doing the best he can with what he has, but that is no longer making the cut. Add to that the fact that there must have been a bug in the backup system over there, which resulted in me having no back up of this blog and only a partial backup of my "torment" blog (although I backed up after each entry) I'm not a happy camper. My new home is here! I just need to make it feel a little more comfy, which I think will only happen in time.

Okay, that's enough ranting, at least on that topic!

It's late and I'm tired. This whole business with my brother is taking it's toll on me I think, today it was physically as well as emotionally. I'm looking forward to getting away for a few days next weekend! Just to know that I'm not going to get a phone call, and then have to drop everything, is going to be so refreshing. It will be good to see my sister's and help them celebrate their b'days too! Mind you I think it is going to be a huge culture shock for Tom, perhaps amusing just from that aspect.

Silly season is definitely in full swing. I'll be glad when things calm down a little, although that's not looking likely for quite some time yet. Best friend gets back from overseas this coming week. I'm not even sure yet when I'll be able to catch up with him. I've missed him these last few months, but it has been good to see that nothing changes when it comes to him. It's reassuring after all the major changes he's made in his life this last year.

I received a text message earlier this week which took me by surprise. It said almost nothing and I felt no desire to reply or even save the number. It did serve one purpose though, it made me realise I really am happy being single. I'm really not looking or wanting to be with anyone right now. I felt no regrets and no longing to go backwards in any way. As much as I may complain about the lack of a sexlife, I think that is a small price to pay for the peace of mind I have in myself at the moment. So many things could change and improve in ways, but at least within myself I'm comfortable, for the most part.

It's really strange to plan a phone call in advance. I have been for some time now, and this week I will finally be making it. I'm curious as to how it will unfold. I'm completely unsure of the reaction I will get, or even if my call will be taken. I'm hoping it will be, and I'm hoping it will all be positive and move things in a forward motion, but I won't hold my breath or keep my hopes too high.

Well I think I've babbled for long enough, I'm sure the timer will go off at any moment. Hopefully I'll manage to get my archives up here this week, that is if MB comes back. Until then I'm going to try to settle in here and get back to my regular irregular postings.

Keep Smiling folks ;-)

1 comment:

The Moomin said...

Yeah, this MB thing is unbearable. I miss my friends, screw the images.

The call will be just fine. Take a deep breath and think about its positive outcome.

Sexlife is good to have but not any cost.